Older persons with disabilities—physical, develop- mental and cognitive—are needing and using home and community-based services in greater numbers.
This is partly because advances in medical treat-
ment have enabled individuals with developmental
and intellectual disabilities to live much longer
than ever before possible. Some ADS providers have
responded to this unmet need by offering special-
ized programming for older adults with mental
retardation or developmental disabilities (MR/DD).
Recent federal and state initiatives have also increased the number of younger persons with dis- abilities receiving health and supportive services in their homes and communities. These include per- sons with physical, developmental, cognitive and psychiatric disabilities. Many of these individuals may be best served by a combination of adutl day and HCBS programs, while some may need very specialized services and supports. Attention should be given particularly to staffing and facility set-up when multiple target populations are mixed, such as older adults and younger adults with develop- mental or intellectual disabilities.
Recent federal and state initiatives have also increased the number of younger persons with dis- abilities receiving health and supportive services in their homes and communities. These include per- sons with physical, developmental, cognitive and psychiatric disabilities. Many of these individuals may be best served by a combination of adutl day and HCBS programs, while some may need very specialized services and supports. Attention should be given particularly to staffing and facility set-up when multiple target populations are mixed, such as older adults and younger adults with develop- mental or intellectual disabilities.